A Russian invasion of Ukraine could begin “any day now,” White House national-security adviser Jake Sullivan said Friday, telling reporters that Moscow is in position to mount a “major military action” and an attack could come during the Olympics.
Sullivan said the U.S. isn’t saying Putin has made a final decision but still urged Americans in Ukraine to leave the country within 48 hours.
“Any American in Ukraine should leave as soon as possible, and in any event in the next 24 to 48 hours,” Sullivan said.
The Winter Olympics are being held in Beijing and are scheduled to end Feb. 20.
Speaking at the White House, Sullivan said Russian forces positioned at Ukraine’s borders showed Moscow could undertake military action within days.
Sullivan said the U.S. and its allies are “ready either way.”
“Whatever happens next, the West is more united than it has been in years,” he said. Russia has reportedly massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s border but continues to deny that it has any plans to invade.
The Pentagon, meanwhile, is sending another 3,000 combat troops to Poland to join 1,700 who already are assembling there in a demonstration of American commitment to NATO allies worried at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine, a senior defense official said Friday, according to the Associated Press.
This post was originally published on Market Watch