Mutual Funds Weekly: These money and investing tips can help you when stock market leadership changes hands

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This is what investment research suggests we do amid geopolitical crises

Wars and terrorist attacks are shocking. But, often, the right thing to do is to keep steady. Read More

You ought to favor large-cap stocks through the end of the year

Research shows that small-cap stocks tend to underperform as the year goes by. Read More

Risk of ‘hard’ stock-market valuation correction is growing, says Deutsche Bank — here’s why

High multiples reflect ‘market confusion over where we are in the earnings cycle.’ Read More

Energy stocks are on a big run — and still have some catching up to do

Energy stocks have lagged behind commodities prices as the world economy has rebounded. Read More

Stock-market bulls are in control — but what a tight range for the S&P 500

How to protect yourself if S&P support is broken. Read More

Here’s a safer way to invest in bitcoin and blockchain technology

Exchange traded funds enable you to tap into the hot asset category while lowering risk. Read More

How can you avoid choking as an investor? Plan for the moment the pressure is on you

Managing your money effectively requires managing pressure’s two root causes: uncertainty and lack of perspective. Read More

Your financial adviser is retiring. Should you find another firm?

An opportunity to reassess your financial planning goals and needs. Read More

Electric vehicles are gaining traction, but chances are that you’ll still be driving a gas-powered car in 2035

Electric trucks and pickups, and alternative-energy sources will shake up the market as countries aim to curb pollution. Read More

Why stocks are likely to rise if Biden’s approval rating keeps sliding

U.S. presidential approval is a contrarian stock-market indicator. Read More

Companies are now issuing more stock than they did at top of the internet bubble and here’s why that matters

Record stock issuance is not necessarily bearish if it is accompanied by high levels of buybacks or M&A activity. Read More

If you’ve lost money on bitcoin or other cryptos, it might be because you can’t trust your memory, according to new research

Researchers found two kinds of memory biases: distortion and selective forgetting. Read More

Investors love to boast about their great stock picks, but beware of those who use fancy math to calculate their gains

The data doesn’t lie: Even pros rarely beat the stock market. Read More

Beat the market with this quant system that’s very bullish on stocks at record highs

Vance Howard’s HCM Tactical Growth Fund moves you in and out of the stock market when prudent to do so. So far his team of computer scientists’ strategy has paid off. Read More

This post was originally published on Market Watch

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